des 12, 2023
Ode, the world’s largest company in cod farming, and C Food Norway are now collaborating to use the entire cod for human consumption. The collaboration involves C Food Norway developing by-products from Ode’s cod production. Read the whole article here....
okt 27, 2023
Norwegian Seafood Festival ser dagens lys; I Kina er de så begeistret for norske fiskehoder at en rekke kinesiske distributører har gått sammen om å etablere en egen festival; Denne uken arrangeres Norwegian Seafood Festival for første gang i Guangzhou, med...
mar 3, 2023
I prosjektet RESTPROT skal vi sammen med Sintef Ocean utvikle halvfabrikat ombord i hvitfisk-flåten gjennom kverning og innfrysing av hoder og filetbein på sjøen. Produktene kan videre-foredles til mange anvendelses-områder. Prosjektet har nylig fått tilbud om...
des 22, 2022
5-10th of November C Food Norway participated at an import fair in Shanghai together with the Norwegian Seafood Council. Eirin Jue Qian and Linn Kristin Johansen posed in beautiful Sunnmørs-bunads and marketed products from fish heads, swim bladders, fish meat and...
okt 18, 2022
Ernst & Young has invited C Food Norway and managing director Claus Opshaug to the world’s largest growth creator program «Entrepreneur Of The Year». Through the programme, E&Y honors companies and entrepreneurs who contribute ideas, invest...
okt 18, 2022
We are incredibly proud to be nominated for the IDC award’s «Sustainability award» for the second year in a row! Thanks to the Industrial Design Conference – IDC Norway for the nomination and good luck to the other nominees, Spilka Industri,...